Google surveys team offered a quick survey app,which let you earn google play money.
Here google team asks some personal questions and gives you reward if you answered truly.
Download the app and answer basic questions about yourself. They will then send you surveys around once a week, it may be more or less also. You'll get a notification on your phone when a short and relevant survey is ready for you, and can receive up to $1.00 in Play credit for completing it. Questions can range from, "Which logo is best?" and "Which promotion is most compelling?" to "When do you plan on traveling next?","whom do you choose between trump and kim jong?" and "Should world war 3 be happen? and many more like this.This app was not enable for India before,but now it's launched in India including Turkey and Singapore.
You should enjoy this app!
1.This is easy to use.
2.It gives you money just for few questions.
App Version|
Supported Version|
Android 4.1 to more than 4.1
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